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Morris Group International Releases Season Two, Chapter Five Video:
Aligning Products with Market Trends

CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA – April 22, 2022

Morris Group International has released a new video in the ongoing series with Chief Executive Officer Donald E. Morris. In this Season 2, Chapter 5 video, Don discusses how Morris Group International comes up with new ideas for products that align with market trends.

“What keeps the ideas coming is talk to a lot of people and not only talk, but listen to their ideas, watch the trends, and think about what people need...Keep your eyes and ears open.”Don says.By doing this, Morris Group International’s divisions and partnerships have been able to innovate, design, and manufacture new products that serve real market needs.

With new ideas, theinfrastructure to develop new products,andthe dedication of our team, Morris Group International is able to quickly move to develop new products foran ever-changing world.

Watch the video for more on Morris Group International’s approach.

Missed the previous videos in this series? Watch below!

Introduction Video: Reaffirming Founding Principles and Outlining Exciting Plans for the Future
Season Two, Chapter One: Founding Values and Principles
Season Two, Chapter Two: Bringing Growth, Ingenuity, and Experience to the Industry
Season Two, Chapter Three: Diversity in Products and Manufacturing
Season Two, Chapter Four: Life in Miniature, Over the Decades